​"Really highly recommend Gamsat Tutor for section 3 tutoring! The Tutor explains complex and difficult ideas in a simple way which really enhanced my understanding of the topics. Through this tutoring, I felt less daunted at approaching the GAMSAT because the Tutor taught me to understand each question properly and change my thinking/approach to each question. My section 3 score increased by 14 in the March 2021 GAMSAT and it was really because of the GAMSAT Tutor's guidance. Would highly recommend!"

"Thank you so much for the fantastic science study weekend, I had a great time and really feel like I now have the tools to succeed."

​"Comprehensive course with excellent explanations of topics which undoubtably improved my Science section!"

"My score for Section III was 80. Thank you for all your help. The tutorials were highly worthwhile."

​"David is not only a great gamsat tutor, but a genuine mentor for any aspiring doctors. I received great improvement and advices from David!"

"Just wanted to let you know that the chemistry tutorial was heaps good! You have a talent in teaching complex concepts better than any teacher that I've come across! Thanks so much!"

"Thanks so much for your help, this year my mark was 67. Your tutorials really helped with time management and seeing through the question to ascertain what the examiners were trying to test. Thanks again."

"I just wanted to quickly let you know that I was accepted into Sydney Medical School. Thanks a million for all of your help, I seriously wouldn't have achieved it without your efforts."

​"I attended your course this weekend, just want to say thanks again. The fool proof techniques you taught and problem - based learning style teaching you did was highly useful. It was great that you took the time to break down all the complex ACER science questions. I wish I knew about you sooner so I attended all your tutorials."

"Thanks for all the help, my science section 3 mark improved from 60 in 2014 to 73 this year!"

"Just thought I'd let you know I got 71 in the science section and got an overall of 67. You predicted that you could get me to a 70 in the science section and that was a pretty good estimate! Just thought I'd let you know that your science classes were really helpful and made a lot of the questions way more doable. I honestly attribute my improvement (55-71) to your classes and most certainly could not have done it without your help. Thanks again for your help!"

​"Thanks for the help, really appreciated it!"

"I got a 77 (from 66 the year before) for section 3 and 74 overall. I have no doubt that I owe this to you and your tutorials. I was drawing on your tips, tricks and advice all throughout the exam. Along with consolidating my science knowledge your tutorials enabled me to approach the questions in a way I would not have otherwise. This allowed me to tackle the problems efficiently and effectively, which is crucial in such a high pressure situation as the GAMSAT. I will definitely be recommending you to anyone I know who is sitting the GAMSAT in the future. Thank you SO SO much."

"If you are looking for the best science (section 3) tutor for gamsat preparation, you have found it.
The tutorial covers all the required knowledge for section 3, and will provide very clear explanation of gamsat questions for everyone. You will also find the session is very interactive and is very thoroughly prepared. It was the best science tutorial session I ever had."

​"David is an excellent tutor with extensive knowledge about section 3 content. His tutoring techniques, tips and tricks, and ability to explain complicated content in a simpler way made S3 appear a lot less daunting and allowed me to improve my score immensely. Cannot recommend his tutoring services enough!"

​"Once again thank you for your great teaching and tutoring work, you have greatly improved my GAMSAT Science skills and results. You have helped me to improve my previous science section score by 16 marks. This year, I achieved a science section mark of 66 in the GAMSAT. Thank you again and I will recommend your fantastic GAMSAT tutoring courses to my friends and family."

"Just wanted to say thank you for your tutoring and tutorials in preparation for the GAMSAT. I got an overall score of 66 and my score in the science section was 67 so I'm stoked!"

"I must say, your tutorials were VERY helpful, especially the organic chemistry. I did the GAMSAT last year and I found the organic chem to be WAY over my head, like some alien material or something, but this year I literally went hunting for organic chem questions and ENJOYED doing them!! Anyway, just wanted to say, you gave me the confidence and helped me eliminate my fear of the GAMSAT. Thanks a lot for all your help, you really are a good teacher and your stuff was VERY relevant and VERY useful and VERY applicable."

"I'm pleased to say that I achieved a S3 score of 72 this time around, which was a significant increase from the 55 I got last year. I wanted to thank you again for all the help you gave me in the tutorials. Thanks to you, for the first time I now have a shot at the interviews for the USyd DMD (with an overall score of 71). More than just the easy-to-understand and concise teaching methods, it was the level of professionalism, sincerity and integrity that you showed in every class, which made it a more rewarding and enjoyable experience. Thanks again and all the best!"

​"David has been a really great resource in breaking down topics to a level that's applicable to the Gamsat. I was able to pick up topics and strategies to use within an hour, and then apply them to my sitting. David provided an excellent service and was very upfront on the best way to prepare for the exam. He was also able to direct my time into maximising my study time. I ended up with a competitive score on my first sitting despite not having done any chemistry or biology at all in high school. Highly recommend if you are thinking of a Gamsat preparation resource"

"Many thanks for all the help you provided me in the lead up to the GAMSAT. The tutorials were excellent, and I particularly want to thank you for clarifying so many organic chem nightmares I have."

"I just wanted to say a really really big thank you for all the help and guidance you gave us during those tutorials. I have you to thank for how well I did in the science section!!"

"I got a 64 in the science section. I wanted to say how grateful I am for your classes, they definitely helped a lot given that I haven't studied science since year 10."

​"Had him as a lecturer in Melbourne for the Des O Neill Science revision course. He was absolutely fantastic, so organised, and made everything so much easier for me. I am so happy that teachers like him exist, made me wish I lived in Sydney!!!"

"I found your classes extremely helpful. This year I focused on improving my chemistry and managed to improve my science score in the gamsat from 48 to 68 – that's 20 points!! My final gamsat mark was 66."

​"I had previously sat GAMSAT once before and struggled immensely with the Science section so much so I almost decided to not sit the GAMSAT again. After attending GAMSAT tutor sessions my confidence in Science increased immensely and I was able to score 19 points greater in the Science section. I cannot speak highly enough of the help these tutorials gave me."

"I just wanted to let you know that I have been offered a place at Notre Dame in Sydney which was my first preference! I am so over the moon and excited and a lot of it is thanks to your amazing tutorials that helped me get through the science section."

"I got an interview for Notre Dame and wanted to say a massive Thank You! Your lessons really helped me and I don't think I would have got this far without you. I would never have thought that organic chemistry could be so simple."

"Thank you for the excellent chemistry/physics tutorials – you were simple, clear and patient and I found them invaluable."

"I'm sure mine wasn't anywhere near the highest but thanks for your tutoring. It was my first gamsat and studied for 1 month using your course only (no background in chem and physics) and got 71. Thanks for your help."

"Just wanted to send you another big THANK YOU!!! I got into medicine at the University of Notre Dame Sydney. Over the moon!"

​"If you're wanting to get through the science section of the GAMSAT, I would seriously recommend this tutor. Whether you've studied science already or haven't got much experience, he will teach you a lot that you need to know for the GAMSAT. He was the first person who has ever made me understand science, and I'm just finishing my science degree! I love you, GAMSAT Tutor!"

​"Dave's GAMSAT prep course helped me significantly improve my section 3 score. He is fantastic at breaking down complex concepts and is willing to take the time to make sure you understand. Far ahead of any other available prep courses and I thoroughly recommend any future GAMSAT sitters to check out Dave's Course. Thanks so much for your help!"

"Thanks again for all your help, your strategy sessions were by far the most rewarding formal preparation I participated in. I will definitely recommend your tutorials to anyone I meet along the way."

GAMSAT Tutor | Testimonials

"All the areas I had trouble with and had spent more than a couple of days in the past trying to figure out were covered nicely in the tutorials you gave us. I had all the gamsat prep textbooks but none of them explain things the way you do. You really helped me greatly in working on my areas of weakness. Thank you once again."

"I just wanted to let you know that I achieved an Overall Score of 72 in this year's GAMSAT. My Section III score was 70. I wanted to thank you for your help in achieving this mark. This was my first time sitting GAMSAT and your advice in the strategy tutorials made all the difference.  Your tips and short cuts made a huge difference as well, I was able to save time and I knew what to look for and recognise in a question. Of all prep material I did, your tutorials were by far the best in terms of consolidating all my knowledge and focusing it on the exam. I will recommend you to anyone who asks! Thank you again for all your help."

"Wanted to say a huge thanks for being a fantastic tutor – honestly would not have passed without your help and guidance!"

​"I just wanted to let you know that I scored 72 in the GAMSAT including a 72 for the Science section, which is a huge improvement from last year when I got 63 overall with 60 for Science. This got me an interview at Wollongong Uni and I have received an offer for a place there next year! Thank you so much for all your help, I really got a lot out of the sessions and I am so grateful for the help you gave. You are definitely a big reason why I was able to get the score I did. Thanks again."

​"David is a fantastic teacher who taught me how to simplify the process of preparing for S3 & made me feel a lot more confident in my ability to approach even the most difficult of types of questions. Without his wisdom & guidance, I would not have been able to improve my S3 score by a whopping 20 between my two sittings in 2020. Overall, David uses the best methods to teach you the nitty-gritty aspects of S3 & will leave everyone feeling a lot better about it. Thanks David!"

​"Can't recommend GAMSAT Tutor enough! With no science background (not even chem or physics in high school)... I was able to score 72 in section 3 in my first sitting. I largely attribute this to GAMSAT Tutor's clear and concise tutorials, which really helped me grapple with the initially overwhelming amount of content I needed to tackle. Thanks so much!"

See what past students say

​"I completed the GAMSAT Tutor full suite of 4 weekend tutorials prior to my first sitting of the exam. With no science background at university, I found the theory tutorials incredibly valuable. The, strategy tutorials were also an excellent resource, showing how to solve complex questions under the heavy time stressors of the real exam. 
There is something in these tutorials for everybody, from those with no science background, up to those trying to get a score in the 80s and 90s. 
Thanks again David for all of your wisdom!"

"I took your course last year and thought it really benefited me, scored an 84 in the science section and 73 overall :)"

"I just want to say a big thank you for the last few days, you did an excellent job with the chemistry and really helped me to consolidate and expand upon my knowledge. I think the chemistry knowledge I now have is invaluable. Thank you again for the course, it has been really good."

​"I highly recommend Dave’s GAMSAT prep course. The content is unique and challenging. Dave is also an excellent tutor who takes the time to make sure you understand complex concepts. Without his help I wouldn’t have been able to boost my section 3 score as much as I did. Thank you very much Dave!"

​"I highly recommend undertaking this course, even if it was your first attempt at the GAMSAT. If I were to go back in time, I would have taken this course before my first attempt. I undertook the GAMSAT 5 times, and my score jumped from 62 to 72 in section III after taking his course. The course teaches you how to apply certain strategies to maximise your performance and gain the most marks based on your strengths."

"Just a quick email to thank you for your help with preparing for gamsat this year. I got 65, and while I can appreciate it may seem paltry for someone who scored 100 in science and first overall, I'm still quite pleased, and the result was due by no small part to your classes. All those little tricks you told us got me through the whole thing. Thanks again and all the best with your future students."

​"David is one of the best tutors I have ever had. His course is all encompassing for Section 3 and in reality is all you need. Not only does he teach all the required knowledge for S3, but also the correct approach to GAMSAT prep and problem solving. Before attending his course I found it extremely difficult to improve my score through traditional methods of preparing for the GAMSAT. However, David’s method of teaching is not only easy to understand but also suitable for students of all background and made a lot of the difficult science concepts instantly make sense. His method of not only teaching you what you need to know but also guiding you through tougher questions and the logic behind problem solving in S3 made my score jump by over 10 points. It doesn’t matter if you’re from a maths, science or even come from an arts background, David will prepare you well for S3 through his courses."

​"I attended the chemistry and strategy tutorials and I think they played a large role in me scoring an 87 in section 3. Before I went to the chemistry tutorial I was spending so much time going through textbooks to learn the content. The chemistry tutorial was a much better use of my time. The content David is able to cover in two days is immense however it is explained very clearly and is well-paced. What you learn also sticks thanks to the questions he provides. The strategies tutorial was also extremely helpful, these are skills you cannot learn on your own and can truly be lifesavers in the exam."

"I just wanted to thank you so much for all your valuable insight and assistance with gamsat prep. Your method of thinking and shortcuts to save time were incredibly valuable. I ended up with a 75 in S3 and 68 overall. Thanks so much Dr."

"I wanted to thank you for all your help with tackling Section 3 in the GAMSAT. I have managed to get an overall score of 76, with 91 in Science. I am deeply grateful to you for all your input in the preparation."

​"The ultimate guru of GAMSAT, to say the very least. He has an obviously natural knack for science, clear teaching and time-saving exam techniques. Definitely the reason I managed to pull through the science section in what was otherwise to eventuate into a blind practice run. If you're serious about the GAMSAT and realising your aspirations, I wouldn't think twice because you're in safe and sincere hands, learning from the cream of the crop. Thank you, GAMSAT Tutor."

"Given my own limited prep-time and having no exposure to scientific study in recent years, I truly believe that your tutelage has enabled me to present myself as a serious candidate for next year's intake. Your concise tutorials, well-planned lesson structure and impeccably tailored focus for the ACER based exam have proven to be unexpendable allies."

​"Hi David, just wanted to say thank you very much for your help. As mentioned I am from a non-science background (Business/Commerce) and found your tutorial super helpful. I was able to get a 74 on my first go and am very thankful. Will still have a go in March, Thanks."

"I want to thank you again for the weekend. I found it to be the most beneficial thing I have done so far."

"I got 72 in the science (overall 67) which is a big improvement from my last year’s score of 60. Thanks so much for your help and I really really appreciate your help! I will definitely be recommending others to your course! Thanks so much! Without your guidance and great techniques, I wouldn’t have made such a big improvement! Thanks again!"

​"My GAMSAT results improved drastically after the weekend sessions with GAMSAT Tutor.
During the exam, the techniques taught really came into effect, especially regarding how to tackle questions, exam strategies, and how to watch out for traps ACER had set for unsuspecting test takers.
The tutorials are not only enjoyable but efficacious!"

"I got 63, 64, 74 in S1, S2 and S3 respectively with an overall score of 69. I attribute the 74 to your excellent teaching. Thanks again for your help!"

​"Prior to attending David's courses, scoring well in Section 3 of the GAMSAT felt like an insurmountable task that felt like I was taking 2 steps forward and then 1 step back. David's tutoring was a complete gamechanger in that he explained every concept needed to tackle each type of question in such a way that made it easier to understand the strategies that we needed to implement before and during GAMSAT. His flexible teaching style ensured that I could get my concerns addressed without feeling like I was lagging behind. What truly sets David apart is his genuine passion for teaching as well as his dedication to his students' success--he went above and beyond to provide additional resources, practice materials and solid advice with regards to test-taking that complimented my learning and helped me gain the confidence I needed to finally succeed in Section 3. With an almost 20-point increase in my Section 3 score for the recent March 23 sitting, I am truly grateful for David's guidance on this challenging journey of finally excelling in Section 3!"

"Thanks for all your help. I received a 75 in the Science section. Really appreciate all the help, could not have done it without you. I absolutely blitzed through the chemistry questions."

​"GAMSAT Tutor is absolutely FANTASTIC and is leaps and bounds ahead of other prep courses out there. When I was preparing for gamsat, I had looked at most of the other prep courses available and often found their notes to be too comprehensive and subsequently unfocused. GAMSAT Tutor, however, was able to pinpoint exactly what types of questions were likely to be asked. The classes would concentrate on the essential facts that candidates had to memorise, as well as what type of thinking and problem solving is needed to answer the majority of questions which are likely to be in the exam. Classes are highly strategic, focused and extremely helpful. I came from a non-science background and successfully got into the Medicine course of my dreams. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED"

​"After landing a 75 for section 3, couldn’t recommend Dr David more! With only about a month or so to go before my first sitting, he made me feel a thousand times more prepared and confident for the September 2020 GAMSAT! He provided me with great techniques for approaching all science questions and provided thorough workings for all Acer questions and any concepts I was stuck on. Thank you again David!!"

"Just wanted to thank you for your exceptional teaching. I managed to get 71 on section 3 and 68 overall! I didn't have any science background and I really couldn't have done it without your prep course."

​"I took all four of the tutorials that GAMSAT Tutor offers and I can recommend his services unreservedly. GAMSAT Tutor is a fantastic, thorough teacher who takes the time to carefully explain concepts, providing well developed teaching materials for each tutorial. I received a scores in the mid 80s for my section three after taking these tutorials."

"Thank you so much! I achieved a 73 in Section 3. Your workshop was incredibly useful and I can't thank you enough for all your help."

"I just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know that I have been offered a CSP in the Sydney Medical School for next year, which is very exciting. So I just wanted to say again, thanks very much for all of your help in preparing me for the GAMSAT, I really appreciate it."

"I am extremely happy and relieved to have received medical school offers with my first preference universities, although I know for sure I wouldn't have been able to do it without your tutorials, so from the bottom of my heart thank you for your help this time last year. Please continue your amazing work and helping people like me make our dreams come true. I was very happy to refer my friend and would recommend you to anyone else."

"Thanks for the tutorials, they really helped me in the exam! I got 70 in the science section."

"I received a score of 71 in Section III. Before March I didn't think it was possible, but it happened. Thanks for your help."

"It is certainly the most worthwhile tutoring. I'd recommend you to anyone who asks me about GAMSAT."

"I did much better than my last one, and by that I only mean substantial improvement with the science section so I have you to thank for that! You have a way of explaining things sooo well! It's amazing!"

"I have done quite a few gamsat courses and yours is by far the best. You have offered us real strategic advice and knowledge without trying to make us bankrupt and I am really grateful for that."

​"I am grateful to have David as my tutor for Section 3 of the GAMSAT. His tutorial sessions and courses are fabulous as he explained all the concepts and strategies required in S3. The way he taught has allowed me to improve a lot, especially in my weakest part - organic chemistry. My journey in medical schools applications was a lot easier with the right teacher. I highly recommend David to all of you if you're seeking help in S3!"

​"I wanted to say thank you for all the effort you put into the Strategy Tutorials for the May/June 2020 GAMSAT. I was apprehensive about attending a GAMSAT preparation course, however your practical explanations, tips and tricks for approaching and breaking down questions and overall preparation advice made the exam feel a lot more doable. The small class sizes and your extremely personal and genuinely caring approach to each student was far beyond what I expected. Your good humour was an added bonus - it's important to remember to still have fun when preparing for something like GAMSAT!"

"I am thrilled! I scored 66 in the science section. Very happy!!!!!! Thanks for all your help, I couldn't have done it without your tutoring."

"Dave’s course is by far and wide the best in the business. I can say this with confidence after sitting the GAMSAT multiple times and acquiring a mountain of preparation material from other competitors. I was part of a study group of five friends who were all successful in gaining an interview after attending Dave’s courses, with S3 being our unanimous best section. Dave simplified topics for me that were previously too time consuming, and equally, challenged me to think more in depth about topics I thought I was comfortable with. He brought a whole new dimension to GAMSAT preparation that paid dividends to my score. On top of this, Dave is incredibly attentive to all his students and was genuinely invested in my preparation. This was money well spent and I would do it all again."

​"I attended all David’s courses a few years ago and they are all you need! I have not stopped recommending them to friends as the best GAMSAT preparation courses available. I had tried other courses and they did not compare, especially the strategy tutorials. As a non-science student I improved from 67 to 74 overall, with a 77 in science. Thanks David :)"


100 in Science, 100th Percentile Overall

​"David is an amazing tutor and a great mentor who is genuinely interested in seeing students succeed the Gamsat and enter Medicine. I was able to improve my S3 score by 10 points after attending his course. We need genuine services like this to reach the students who are really passionate about Medicine. His strategies to succeed Gamsat S3, his advice and tips on how to best prepare for the Gamsat in general have come a long way in my journey to Medicine. I ended up getting 2 medical school offers and wouldn't have reached this far without his support. Definitely recommend his course to anyone who wants to succeed Gamsat S3."

​"David is a wonderful tutor who addresses all our individual needs with care and attention. The course is focussed and specific for exam- style questions that almost always appear in the official tests. Highly recommend for students looking for science section help in the GAMSAT."

"I wanted to thank you for all your help in my gamsat preparation. Having not done science since year 10 I really am proud that I made it over the hurdle and I think a lot of that is thanks to your great tutoring so thank you!"

"I was able to achieve 76 in section III, and an overall of 69. Again I want to thank you for your tutoring service."

"Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your Physics tutorials and strategy classes that I attended in Sydney earlier in the year. I'll admit, I had my reservations on how much I would learn from 3 weekends but every lesson was nothing less than valuable. Your simple but practical explanations and patience helped in studying for what really mattered and in enabling me to get a 79 for section III. Thank you again."

"I scored the highest I ever have in section 3, 75 this year, with an overall score of 69. My section 3 score was 18 marks higher than last year. Thank you very much for helping to improve my score."

​"Thank you gamsattutor! I have purchased all the gamsat prep materials but I still had a hard time making sense of things from those textbooks. I am so glad that I attended all of your tutorials as you are the only person who can explain those concepts so clearly and the strategies you provided at the tutorials really made a great difference and helped me so much getting through the exam. Much appreciated!"

​"Having trouble with the science section? Want an edge in the GAMSAT? Then look no further! With his help, I went from feeling overwhelmed and stressed about the science section, to feeling confident and ready. All in 5 lessons. He teaches in such a way that even with having to take in a ton of new concepts per lesson, you feel as if you understand them almost instantly. Before attending his tutorials, my knowledge of physics barely extended beyond 'what goes up, must come down'. After attending his lectures, I felt I had a solid grasp of the concepts. Thank you GAMSAT tutor. You're the man!"

​"Really excellent GAMSAT tutoring for science. I was a non-science student who felt overwhelmed by the breadth of what I thought could be tested. Not only is David an amazing teacher he gives you specific areas to focus on in what is an overwhelming exam. David clearly really cares about his students and going to his sessions is the best preparation I did."

​"David's course was a total lifesaver for my GAMSAT. Before the course I had no prior experience with chemistry or biology and Section III seemed impossible. I was scoring as low as 40% in practice sittings. I took all 5 of David's tutorials - what I found most helpful was his flexible pacing. He would take as much time as needed to ensure your understanding of a topic. With the help of David's course alongside personal study, I was able to achieve a score of 91 for Section III. Could not recommend enough!"

"I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your fantastic help. You are a great tutor."

"Thank you again for the excellent course that you ran over the weekend in Melbourne, it is by far my most valuable study experience yet!"

"I want to thank you so much for your science tutoring. I jumped from 56 last year to 72 this year. Thanks so much for your help and motivating me to work really hard this year."

"I have some good news. I improved my overall GAMSAT score to 67 this year in March, this score was heavily assisted by my section III score of 71. Again thank you very much for all of your time and assistance."

​"David was extremely helpful in preparing for the gamsat! I struggled a lot with organic chemistry but completing the course gave me really helpful strategies and a new way to think about questions that helped me improve by 19 points. He also reviewed questions and content I had not seen before but came up in the 2023 gamsat. He also had a very motivating and positive attitude during and beyond the course!"

"Thank you soo much for your time and effort with me. I was successful and I'll be starting med at USYD next year!!"

"Just wanted to let you know I got 89 in section 3!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks sooo much."

​"I initially attended the 2015 review class. I decided to attend his full science and then review classes again in 2016. David teaches by using very good examples which allowed me to understand the concepts better. Thank you David."

​"I highly recommend attending the GAMSAT tutor's tutorials. I was able to improve my section 3 score from 52 on my first attempt to 72! I know this would not have been possible without these amazing tutorials. The tutorials helped break down the basics of each topic to create a solid foundation and then built on this to reach GAMSAT level questions. As these are small group tutorials I was able to get individual help and support throughout which was extremely beneficial. For anyone who is planning on sitting the GAMSAT and is struggling with section 3 I would definitely recommend these tutorials!"

"I scored an 80 in section III, and a 72 overall - a massive improvement from my score last year of 64. The tutorial sessions were incredibly useful; they helped me understand the basics, fine-tune my strategy and gave me the confidence to attack the exam."

"Just sharing some good news – Deakin uni called me yesterday afternoon and offered me a place! Thank you for all your help! Couldn't have passed the organic Chem section without it."

​"I really can't tell you how grateful I am for all your help this year. You were a wonderful teacher and I feel so indebted to you! I got a 67, which I'm quite happy with! I sat the Gamsat with more confidence this time around thanks to you. It was really reassuring to flick through Section 3 during reading time and see topics we'd covered during the tutorials."

​"Very highly recommended for anyone looking for help with Section III in GAMSAT. Sitting the GAMSAT for the 1st time with very little science knowledge, I was very unsure and struggling to prepare for the science section but was able to sit the exam with much more confidence after the lessons. I was very pleased to be able to achieve a mark of 69 in GAMSAT Section III. I attended all the tutorials including the Chemistry, Physics and 2 Strategy Tutorials which greatly helped in preparing for the exam and allowed me to tackle the various questions in science section with confidence. David was an excellent teacher, providing highly relevant content and advice tailored to the exam in his classes and his lessons were easy to follow.  The small class size also made for a good learning environment and David goes above and beyond to help his students."

"Just wanted to say thanks and to let you know your tutes helped a lot. Some of the reactions you went over were in the exam and the techniques you taught us came in handy. Again, thank you!"

​"The Gamsat Tutor course was the most valuable resource I have used in preparation for the test. My sciences score went from 67 to 81 and I would largely attribute that to the reasoning skills I learnt as part of your course, which are now so valuable with the current test format."

"I got a 75 in S3. I'm very happy because my overall score 73 is pretty good for a non-science backgrounder. Thanks for your help!"

"Just wanted to send you a short (albeit late!) note of appreciation for your classes I attended in Melbourne last year. Having a non-science degree and 17+ years since I picked up a physics or chemistry text book, I really feel your courses provided significant benefit and your ability to coach all levels of ability was excellent. My science score was in the high 60's and combined with my other scores, was enough to receive an offer for medicine at Uni of Melbourne! I attended a number of GAMSAT prep courses last year and would recommend your courses above the others. Thanks again for your help!"

​"The Section 3 strategy tutorials were extremely relevant and helpful. We worked through the GAMSAT practice papers. I thought I knew how to tackle these practice papers; but David had a time saving strategy for almost all of them. These strategies translated well to my sitting where I achieved my highest S3 score ever. Highly recommend if you want to improve your section 3 score."

"I just wanted to thank you so much for your help. My science score this year improved from a 37 (last year) to 60. I did a lot of revision to get all of my basic knowledge up to scratch, but it was you who really helped me to approach the questions in a logical, methodical way. Thank you once again for your help – you explain things very clearly, and I know it was your seminars that really helped me to achieve such a dramatic improvement in my science score."

​"David's course is an absolute must if you're aiming to excel in section 3 of the GAMSAT! Being my first sitting, I was at a loss as to how to effectively prepare for the test. Discovering David's course turned out to be super helpful, significantly enhancing my attempts to tackle section 3 questions. All five of his tutorials have proven to be invaluable, with his strategy tutorials standing out as particularly helpful for the actual sitting. David doesn't just show us 'how' to approach questions; he delves into the analytical aspects and carefully addresses all questions and concerns we have during the tutorials. Those smart little hints on how to approach questions really changed my perspective and strategy when attempting them. If you're contemplating taking the GAMSAT, enrolling in his course is a definite way to elevate your scores and position yourself ahead of the competition!"